
     It was a small town with some king as a ruler (head of the state).Many people used to go to Ravidassji, and in his company they experience peace and happiness. One day one of the leaders under that king went to guru ravidassji. When he came back he was very happy and contented. He told his king that there is a great saint living in the city. I am sure that if you will to go him he will be able to give you peace. The king was very unhappy. He had a great deal of wealth and power and all the other things that make a person happy,but still he had lack of peace. But when the leader suggested that he should go to guru Ravidassji, he became very angry and proud. "He is a cobbler," he said, "How can a king ask for instructions from a cobbler?" But the leader was explaining him that if he will go to guru ravidassji ,guruji can give him peace of mind and will take his sorrows away from him. At last, the king agreed to go to guru ravidassji. He went to Ravidassji's shop. He walked inside, saluted guru ravidassji, and said ,"I am very unhappy and I lack peace. Please give me something that will bring peace to my heart."

Ravidass was an omniscient being. He knew who the visitor was, and he knew the state of the king's mind. Next to his workbench, he kept a stone pot full of water into which he dipped pieces of leather before he worked on them. Ravidassji poured some of this water into a glass , gave it to the king and asked him to drink it. When the king saw the water, which was dark red and smelled liked leather, he was disgusted. "I am a king," he thought. " Why have I come here anyway?" pretended to be drinking, but he allowed the water to pour down his shirt. Then he quickly bowed to the saint and left. When the king returned to the palace, he saw that his shirt was badly stained. He called the royal washerman and told him to wash it. He was surprised to see the king's shirt in such condition. After making several inquires, he found out that the king had gone to see Ravidassji and that he had poured the water from Ravidas's stone pot onto his shirt. He gave the shirt to his daughter, explained her what had happened, and told her to wash the shirt very well.

The daughter was very intelligent and very pure. She took the shirt and sucked out all the stains. Then she washed it and gave it back to her father to return to the king. From then and on the girl had very deep meditations and her state became higher and higher. After a few years she had attained such a high state that people began to feel the same joy they felt in the company of Ravidassji. Many people went to receive her blessings, and among them was the leader. After he had seen her, he went to the king and said," your Majesty, you are still so unhappy and agitated. Why don't you go to that ecstatic girl and see if she can gave you some peace?" The king was reluctant-after all, she was merely the daughter of a washerman yet his restlessness was causing him great pain. Finally he overcame his reluctance and went to the girl. He stood before her and said, "I am very unhappy, and I lack peace.Please give me your blessing so that I can attain peace." The girl looked at him and said, "Every thing that I have, I obtained by sucking Ravidassji's water out of the shirt you gave my father to wash!" This is the value of the Guru's grace. To attain the
Truth from him, we do not have to receive instructions. It is enough simply to imbibe his shakti, his power. But first we must understand its value and live our life in harmony with it.

Once, a Brahmin was about to set out for Haridwar to have a ritual purificatory bath there.Guru Ravidassji approached him with a ?damari?( small ancient indian coin) that he had saved from his righteous earnings and requested him that he may offer this coin to Ganga Mai (Mother Ganges) only when she stretches out her hands seeking the offer. The Brahmin took it as a joke, but still he accepted the coin and left for Haridwar. It is said that as the Brahmin was having his bath, mother Ganges stretched out her hands and asked the brahim to to give what Guru Ravidassji had sent. The Brahmin was surprised and he put the coin on her hands. Mother Ganges was pleased on receiving an offering from her devotee, and in return she gave a golden bangle to the Brahmin for Guru Ravidassji.

The Brahmin was tempted by this beautiful and costly object. On his return he did not give the bangle to Guru Ravidassji, but instead gave it to a King and earned a good wealth in lieu of it. The King's wife was happy to receive a wonderful gift. She requested the King that he should order the Brahmin to bring another similar bangle for her so that she has at least a pair of such bangles. The King ordered the Brahmin to bring one more bangle of the same quality and beauty.

The Brahmin now found himself in a difficult situation and was not able to get a solution to this situation.At last, he went to Guru Ravidassji. He admitted his deceit and narrated the whole story to him. He further told Guru Ravidassji that his life could only be spared if Guru Ravidassji will help him to get another bangle for the queen. He fell prostrate before Guru Ravidassji and made a humble request with folded hands that he should be kind enough to help him out and thus save his life. Ravidas asked him to have patience and to look into the bowl which was full of water used to dip the leather into it to make it soft, in the shoe-making process. The Brahmin looked intently into the bowl. He saw the Ganges flowing therein and also lying such bangles at the bottom. The Brahmin was puzzled. Ravidas told him to put his hands into the bowl and take out a bangle to fulfill his need. Thus, he came to know the spiritual position of Guru Ravidassji. Those were the intellectually blind and ego-ridden who looked upon him as a low-caste man.